As we begin another year, we like to look back and reflect on the past year. I personally like to focus on National Adoption Awareness Month which takes place in November every year. This year, I reflected on the way the industry has changed since Ronald Regan enacted this weeklong acknowledgment in 1984. The attention was originally given to bring focus to the thousands of children in foster care around the county. The week was meant to bring focus and to urge Americans to step up and help foster youth find permanency. Bill Clinton felt this was so important that he extended the week to a full month in 1995.
The most important part of this dedicated month is listening to all the voices in the adoption triad and not just the loudest voices, or the voice that matches what we believe or agree with.
National Awareness Month in 2022 was unlike the past ones I remember.
Adult adoptees not only have joined the game, but THEY ARE THE GAME. It has been loudly birth mothers for the last few years and them opening their hearts and sharing their stories and the world listening and learning. As good mothers do, they set the stage and then gave the adoptees the floor! And man did they take it and they continue to!
I want you all to know that all ethical adoption agencies were listening to all your voices last fall. And still are! ASC has been ready for this change and is ready to embrace it. No more rainbows and unicorns here. We are committed to doing even more in 2023! More education. More support. We strive to keep learning and listening.