(Also known as Empathy Makes the World Go ‘Round?) Why is it that there are no great songs written about empathy? Love may make you go weak in the knees, … more »
Did you know that you talk to yourself almost all the time? Whether or not you are aware of your thoughts, our brains are working constantly. The things we tell … more »
Where’s the joy? Where’s the excitement? When a new baby comes home, the baby is welcomed with banners, balloons, visitors, and gifts. In adoption, the adoptive family is swamped with … more »
So many times in adoption, all the focus is on the adopting parents. People share their infertility stories or their faith commitment on social media and with friends and families. … more »
Indiana and the Safe Haven Law Since 2001, Indiana has had a “safe haven” law on record. In simple terms, this means that a baby can be handed over to … more »
Social media is both a blessing and a curse. Social media can bring bring people together or tear them apart. The ways in which people have communicated over the years … more »
Since it can’t be said often enough, we will say it again. Open adoption is a relationship. A key to making any relationship go the distance is communication. The typically … more »
Adoption is one of those topics that everyone—yes, everyone—seems to have an opinion and story to share. There are the people who know and want to share adoption horror stories. … more »
It is almost here. That day of the year that we buy cards, flowers, gifts, and go to brunch will be here on Sunday. Do you have your plans made … more »
Defining what an “open adoption” is can be tricky. It’s that little word “open” that seems to cause all the confusion. Does open mean both adoptive and birth parents share … more »