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Ryan & Megan’s Pre and Post Adoption Refection…

“What a whirlwind last year was at this time…. our basement had water from the massive amount of rain and we were dealing with all the emotions/feelings/thoughts as we knew our Birthmom was close to her due date. If you’ve ever been through an adoption, you understand the uncertainty of it all.

I remember clearly believing with all my heart that no matter what the outcome (whether she chose to parent the child or if she chose to move forward with the adoption), God placed us in her life for a reason.  And because of that, we wanted to love, support and pray for her the best that we could.  We definitely went on an emotional rollercoaster ride the few days that followed his birth. But the time we were able to spend with his birthmom was priceless. We were able to connect with her on such a deep level.

The first night we were at the hospital, she was was only allowed one person in her room and she chose me.  So we spent almost the whole night talking heart to heart… about her hopes, dreams and fears about adoption and about life. I was able to reassure her that we were going to love her and support whatever decision she ended up making. It was a powerful time and I know without a doubt it was God ordained. 

Throughout this last year we have been able to continue a relationship with her and it has been so beautiful. She is such an incredible, strong woman with so much love to give. So not only do we celebrate Kendell today, but we honor her as well! 

Both of our birthmom’s are two of the most selfless women we know. We love them dearly and are so grateful for the precious gifts of life they have given us. 

Kendell – you brought so much joy to our lives. You make us laugh on a daily basis. You are sweet and have been such a happy baby. We thank God often for choosing you to be in our family. We pray you come to know Jesus at an early age and that you love and serve him all the days of your life!

We are so proud to be your mommy and daddy and we love you!!”

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