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Birth Mom Support Virtual Group

Sunday March 16
3:00 – 4:00pm
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Birth Mom Support Virtual Group

March 16 @ 3:00 pm4:00 pm


As a birth mom, supporting and celebrating you is ASC’s number-one mission. Our support groups are a no-judgment zone where it’s safe to vent, tell your story and connect with other women who have also made the difficult decision to place a child for adoption. Grab a fuzzy blanket and get comfortable. Use this time for your own self care and to feel support from others. 


 Knee to Knee training


As part of our mission to support you for life, ASC has committed to partnering each year with  Ashley Mitchell.  Ashley is one of the nation’s leading birth mom advocates – and a birth mom herself. Ashley’s Knee to Knee training is an established and tested national training program that sets the standard for supporting birth moms.


Knee to Knee is a post-placement care curriculum that compiles music, videos and work books that the leader takes the birth mom through giving support and empowerment. Don’t worry, we sometimes get off schedule and enjoy learning about each other and how we manage the grief of our adoption placements.

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March 16
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Event Category:


Virtual Group-Zoom Meeting ID: 317 255 5916

As a birth mom, supporting and celebrating you is ASC’s number-one mission. Our support groups are a no-judgment zone where it’s safe to vent, tell your story and connect with other women who have also made the difficult decision to place a child for adoption. Grab a fuzzy blanket and get comfortable. Use this time for your own self care and to feel support from others. 


 Knee to Knee training


As part of our mission to support you for life, ASC has committed to partnering each year with  Ashley Mitchell.  Ashley is one of the nation’s leading birth mom advocates – and a birth mom herself. Ashley’s Knee to Knee training is an established and tested national training program that sets the standard for supporting birth moms.


Knee to Knee is a post-placement care curriculum that compiles music, videos and work books that the leader takes the birth mom through giving support and empowerment. Don’t worry, we sometimes get off schedule and enjoy learning about each other and how we manage the grief of our adoption placements.

Meet Allison Musselman, MSW
Meet Allison Musselman, MSW Our virtual birth mom support group is led by Allison Musselman. Allison is passionate about grief and loss and has such a soft spot for anyone that is able to sit with their grief and ask for help! She is excited about the opportunity to reach more mom's with a virtual option. We hope you enjoy getting to know Allison as you share your own story and "meet" other moms who placed for adoption.
Venue Details
Virtual Group-Zoom Meeting ID: 317 255 5916